Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wake up, Mom

Anthony was up a couple of times throughout the night.  Typically he just needs his diaper changed and he's good to go. That wasn't the case last night.  He continued to cry even after his diaper was changed so we spent some time snuggling and rocking.  When Mark got up to take a shower at 5:00 he began to cry again.  I knew he didn't need his diaper changed and that he wouldn't be able to put himself back to bed so I decided to bring him into bed with me.  He quickly fell asleep as did I.  Two hours later I could tell that someone was staring at me; I peeked and saw him wide awake and looking right at me.  I was still tired and needed some time to wake up so I laid there with my eyes shut. Anthony had different plans, though, for me.  He started to put his finger up my nose and in my mouth and ear.  I was doing everything I could to not laugh and continue to "sleep".  He finally was the one who lost it and started giggling hysterically.  It was quite funny!
His attempts to wake me bring me back to my own childhood when Manda and I used to sleep together.  If I would wake before her I would automatically want her to get up too, but I didn't want to be rude and just tell her to wake up.  Instead I used the pestering technique.  I would do just what Anthony did today and try to contain my giggles as she started to swat, roll over and make funny faces.  Of course I thought it was so funny and couldn't stop until she woke up.  The moment her eyes would open I would close mine and pretend to sleep.  That way I could "wake up" seconds later and she would be up.   The best part is that I continued to do this long after she found out what I was up to.  She would start to wake up and tell me to stop bugging her.  I never did stop, though.  (If I'm being honest I even did this up into my high school days!  I remember a certain trip to Crookston where my family stayed at a completely disgusting motel.  I was a senior in high school and woke up my seventh grade sister in my special way that morning...)
All of this makes me think about what traits Anthony will pick up from Mark and I as he continues to grow and be a part of our family.  He already loves hats and balls, which is so clearly a Mark thing.  Now he's using my technique to wake up people!  Wow!  
What will be next?


Team Tuttle said...

What comes around - goes around! I'm so happy that Anthony has picked up on some 'annoying' traits and I didn't even have to teach him them! :)



The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Thanks for a good afternoon laugh, Manda! He did snore incredibly loud on that particular trip. The best was I kept waking you up because I knew you would yell at him and I couldn't.
Thanks for that fun memory!