Thursday, April 24, 2008

We've got PEE!

After Anthony got up from his nap today I thought I would try the potty chair one more time.  While he was playing with his toys Zoey came in with her barf noise.  I cleared away the rugs and started petting her letting her know it was okay. She barfed up some bile and I quickly ran to the kitchen to get some cleaner and paper towels.  After cleaning everything up I decided to get Anthony off of his chair (he had been on there for 15 minutes already), got on his diaper and started to leave for the living room.  Before going to play I thought I would take a look into his chair - HE HAD PEED!  Granted it wasn't a ton and I STILL have low expectations about this whole process, but I'm super excited.  Of course we had to do the potty dance, have a cookie in celebration and talk to daddy and the grandmas to brag!  YIPPEE!


Anonymous said...

Yeahhh!!!! So now he knows what its for - a big hurdle to cross!


Erin said...

Good Job Anthony! My advice is if he's interested and has gone already keep at it! If he starts to not want to do it anymore don't push it, it will come in time.