Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Right now Anthony's words consist of hat, hot, ball, uh oh and the very latest: num-num.  He just started using this right before the weekend to let us know when he's hungry.  It's pretty cute and completely affective.  Right before lunch today he was reminding me that it was in fact time to eat in case I had forgotten.  He stood in the kitchen saying num-num repeatedly and then started crying because apparently I wasn't cutting up the pineapple and heating up his food fast enough.  

Honestly, his comprehension of language is simply astounding.  Even though he cannot speak all of the words he knows them.  If I ask him to grab his milk and go to the chair to eat he does exactly that.  If I say where is your school bus he will go straight to it and start playing with it. AMAZING!

He's even starting to use the words mamamamamama and dadadadadadadada (or at least that's how he says them) and understand what they mean.  Usually it is just babble coming out of him and he doesn't typically directly call us mama or dada.  However, if I say daddy's home from work he'll immediately go to the top of the stairs and start clapping excitedly waiting for him to enter the house. 
We've had a wonderful flu bug that has been going through our house since last Wednesday.  On Sunday night our routine was thrown off because Mark immediate went to bed as soon as we got home from the baptism.  When it was bed time I took Anthony in his room and shut the door.  Immediately he started pointing to the door saying dadadadadadadadadadad.  That was a touching moment for me.  He might not be able to always say what he's thinking or feeling, but he's definitely understanding that we are his parents.  How beautiful.

I know during the time I have off until next fall his language is going to EXPLODE.  I cannot wait to hear the words and watch this truly amazing process. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a linguistics book on first langauge development if you want some light bedside reading! :)

OMG, how nerdy am I!

What did AJ think of the 6 inches of snow yesterday? Was Zoey just freaking out..... I was! It took Choden and I FOREVER to get home, imagine that!

Cheers- lex