Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Arlts

On Sunday morning we stopped by the Arlt's house so Mark could FINALLY meet baby Samuel who is six weeks old.  Rachel dressed Samuel in a cute Minnesota Gophers outfit that he ended up peeing through within minutes of us being there!  Oh well.  At least I was able to get a cute picture of Mark holding him and the two of them checking each other out.

Clara was busy having FUN the whole time we were there!  Her outfit changed several times as well.  When we first arrived she was wearing just pants and shoes.  Then she moved to being naked.  When Rachel asked her to get dressed she came out with the pink apron she found in her room.  Finally her and I picked out a dress to wear.  Soon after she spilled orange juice on it.  Who knows how many outfits she actually went through by the end of the day!

Rachel had to go back to work this past Monday after being home for six weeks with Samuel and Clara.  She went back to state testing - oh the joys of being a teacher!  Hopefully her transition back to work will go well for everyone.  (I still don't want to even think about having to go back right now...)

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