Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sesame Street

Sesame Street has become a new love in our household.  His buddy Cole gave him an Oscar the Grouch book that he absolutely loves reading.  In the book it has other characters from "the street" - Cookie Monster, Elmo, Burt and Ernie, etc.  Anthony also has a Tickle Me Elmo that he got from the Feierabends and a gigantic Elmo that Grandma Kathy brought down.  I decided that he could watch 10-15 minutes of Sesame Street each day during Elmo's World.  (Yes, I know kids aren't suppose to watch television until they are two... I'm hoping this small amount won't be too detrimental to his development.) Needless to say, he LOVES his almost daily dose of Elmo's World and gets beyond excited.  He starts off by pointing at Elmo, talking jibberish and jumping up and down.  Then he finds his big Elmo, milk and  heads for the couch so he can see what Elmo and Dorothy are up to for the day.  His big Elmo plays the theme song for Elmo's World and after I shut off the tv he'll keep pushing it and we dance around.  It's really quite cute!
Gotta love Elmo and the gang, right?!

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