This afternoon I let Anthony and Zoey know the plans for this weekend - we are going up north. As you can see by their expressions they are both excited for the pending trip. (Hopefully the incoming storm doesn't make a liar out of me!)
WOW! I get to see my grandparents, auntie and uncles again?! I'm so excited!
Really, mom? Did I hear you correctly? We are going up north and I get to come. I can't promise I'll finally be a good girl in the car, but I can promise that I'll have tons of fun playing with Nedward and that I'm super excited! Should I go wait by the door? Are we leaving now? After lunch? Before daddy comes home? Can I wait in the car? Can I? Can I?
Anthony soon forgot about my announcement and went on to read and play with his farm animals. Zoey, however, remembered throughout the day and is convinced that she needs to follow me everywhere so I don't accidentally leave her. Maybe I should have waited until Friday to break the news.
I LOVE Zoey's facial expressions.
(Anthony's was pretty cute too by the way)
Who wouldn't be excited?? I'm excited just thinking about the fun we'll have... can Anthony bring his outside clothes to play? I could teach him how to make snowballs, snow angels, snow forts, snow.... yes, the list goes on and on! :) YAY - I can't wait!
Could your dog be any more expressive, it's the most fun thing ever! Okay, besides your super exciting kid and all.
So I am sitting at conferences at the Primary and my anxiety level is at about a level 8 because of the snow falling outside (another hour to go at least) and I am thinking...why are you driving up north, you can stay here and show Anthony a foot of snow!
Seriously I am thinking about making a run for it, but of COURSE my only conference of the evening is at 7:15! How typical!
Hope you are all home safe and snug on this rainy, snowing...ahh, I'm getting more anxiety!
Cheers and drive safe!
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