Friday, April 4, 2008


Blogging is completely new for me and I must admit that I love using it to keep everyone informed about the happenings in our lives as well as share photos of the little guy.  However, I am a bit shocked right now.  I started our blog back in mid-March and at first had no clue how it was being received or how much people were actually reading it.  Then I saw Erin's Sitemeter and decided to put a counter on our blog as well.  As I'm typing this we have had 214 visitors since Monday. 
Since Monday?  SERIOUSLY?!  Wow!  That seems like an awful lot in five days.  That would be over 40 visits a day and it's not even one in the afternoon yet.  
Looking at the Sitemeter makes me wonder who are all of our visitors?  Is it family and friends who wish to remain anonymous and don't leave comments for us or is it random people who type hat trick into google and somehow find us in the expansive space of the Internet?  I'm truly baffled by this number.  
Who are you?  
What do you think of our blog?
What was your favorite posting/picture thus far?
Do you agree with my sister's comment regarding my new dress?  (Thanks again, Manda, for your honesty!)
At least now I know my efforts to blog and keep everyone informed is not for waste.  I'll remind Mark of that point the next time I sit down to type and he complains about me blogging again.  Thanks for the comeback!  I'll just retort that my 214 visitors since Monday NEED to know.  :)


Emily said...

Know what's really fun? I signed up for Google Analytics and you can see where your readers are located. This morning I noticed I had people stop by from Utah, California, Florida, and Washington.

And you can even see how many of your readers are mac vs. pc users. I'm sure there are companies out there that use this for marketing, but I just think its cool!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Great, Emily!
Now I will spend the rest of Anthony's nap time searching and figuring out this new feature for my blog! (Actually I don't mind - the dishes can wait.) Thanks for the tip, Oh Wise One of the Computer World!

Anonymous said...

At least three hits a day are from me Jonesing for an update!


Emily said...

Let me know if you need any assistance. But it should be noted that Erin is the one that found google analytics. I simply just found a cure for google analytics not having a visible visitor counter for your page (thats when I found sitemeter).

meade said...

I check your blog almost EVERY day...I love your funny comments and musings. I would like to know when Mark will be writing his thoughts for all of us to read??!

Team Tuttle said...

Umm... yeah, I guess I will have to admit that check the blog an awful lot through out the day. I check it in the morning - when I get home from work - before I go to bed - after supper - I'm addicted to what the Hansons are up to! Damon has even started reading the blogs... he thinks its great - if I could only get him to leave some of his comments - ha! :)

Maira said...

Since Meade told me about your blog, I'm hooked. And I have to say that I too would love to hear Mark's perspective on the activities of the Hanson household!

Ashley said...

Since you inspired me to create my own blog, I have been reading the blog almost daily, Tonnie, and I'll keep looking at it as much as I have time for after going back to work next week. I love it! Your adventures sound like lots of fun and I love to see what Anthony is up to... gives me a heads-up on what to expect from a 1-and-a-half year old for when the time comes. :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Interesting. I told Mark he needs to post something, but he "thinks the Internet is the devil's tool and should only be used to look at porn". (Now he's mad that I'm typing exactly what he's saying!)
What would Mark post if he actually cared about blogging? I told him tonight he should write about the ways he can make Tonja upset. A perfect example happened tonight. During prayers he farts really loud, which makes Anthony laugh and himself. He then stops praying completely to laugh. Needless to say, the boys are both laughing and I'm not amused. I finished out the prayers with both of them trying to contain their giggles.
Please forgive us, God...