On Saturday night we took the time to visit with the Davis family - Ryan, Meade and Paul, 16 months. It was fun to see the boys together and chat with Ryan and Meade too.
Mr. Mischief aka Paul is quite the cutie! (I loved the Little Miss and Mr. Men series when I was a kid! His shirt was super cute and a big hit with me.)
Paul hanging out with his daddy. (You have finally made our blog, Ryan! You're FAMOUS now!) :)
I know this picture is super blurry; however, it does capture Anthony's craziness. He was holding onto a shark and attacking Meade. As you can see she's trying to duck out of the way and he's absolutely loving it. Hopefully next time he'll start wrestling/"attacking" Ryan instead!
It was great to see them and spend some time together. I always love chatting with Meade and getting caught up on the happenings in her life. It will be fun in the future to see the boys grow and continue to play with one another. Thanks for having us over!
Yea, we made the blog! Ryan was thrilled! We had a wonderful visit with all of you...Anthony is so much fun! It was fun to watch he and Paul interact with each other, I can't wait for our next visit.
I'm glad you want another visit, Meade. I know he was acting quite crazy and REALLY got into attacking you with his shark.
I hope the 5k went well on Sunday. You still amaze me with your running... I don't think I could ever do something like that without falling over dead.
I hope Paul and you are enjoying the beautiful day.
Hey, I love a good shark attack! I swear that toy is made for attacking people...I loved playing with him! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend up north, love all the pictures!
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