Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Come Meet Anthony

On Sunday Mom and Manda had a meet and greet Anthony party at Bixby's in Grand Rapids.  It was great to see so many relatives and friends of the family and have them meet our little man. A great number of these individuals had already expressed their congratulations with cards and gifts that were sent previously.  Therefore I really wanted it to be a "meet and greet" and not a "shower".  To say I was surprised and overwhelmed with the generosity of gifts given to Anthony on Sunday would be a complete understatement.  It probably doesn't shock anyone that I was emotional.  (Yes, Gretchen, I cried multiple times yet again.)  It's just amazing to see the support and love for our family.  We are very blessed.

The ACDC family (Amy, Chloee, Donny and Cole) showed up - minus the "D" though.  Here's a great picture of the kids posing together.  I love that the boys are doing whatever while Chloee is smiling and looking directly at the camera!  Way to go our beautiful, so grown up flower girl!

Anthony was able to meet his great-grandma for the first time on Sunday.  Here's a picture of the four generations posing together - My grandma, Dolly; my mom, Kathy; Anthony and myself.

Even though Anthony was busy running around he took a timeout to pose with some special family members - grandma Kathy, great aunt Gloria and great aunt Peggy.

My favorite mustard and ketchup ladies!  (Just kidding, girls!)  My mom's two good friends have always been an important part of my life.  I was so thankful they both showed up to meet and celebrate Anthony.  Thanks, Annie and Sister Mary!  (NO, she's not really a nun.  The three of them came up with interesting nicknames a LONG time ago.  I still am not sure what Annie's is... Apparently it is still "too bad" for me to know.) 

Here is the guest of honor - Mr. Sweat Ball.  He had great fun running around the restaurant and playing with everyone there.  He was so hot and sweaty that his hair was sticking up like a mohawk.  At least he had a great time at his own party, right?!

THANK YOU everyone for a beautiful day and for your thoughtfulness.  You are ALL greatly appreciated and loved by me.


Erin said...

Holy cow, I can't believe how much your mom and Gloria look alike in that picture!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I agree! I was thinking the same thing when I was looking at the photo this morning.