Once again Jodi Picoult manages to be an amazing story teller who keeps you guessing and wanting more in her latest novel, Change of Heart. The story is so beautifully written and thought provoking that as I finished the last page I wasn't "done" with the book. Its story line and characters stayed with me as I pondered my own belief system and what's right and wrong in life. I truly love books that can make you feel and question who you are beyond a reader.
Even though I didn't want to put this book down EVER I had to for obvious reasons. I cannot even remember the last time it took me a week to finish a book. Crazy! I'm glad, though, I took the time each day to do something that I love and enjoy in life.

While I'm talking about books I should mention two other favorites that I've recently read (well semi-recently) just in case you're on the prowl for something good to read.
I have to admit that I went in thinking I wouldn't like Gilbert's book very much; I ended up completely enjoying it and felt revived by what spirituality/God/religion really means. I think it was a good read for that time period in my life. We were still waiting for our baby and trying to heal the wounds of almost becoming parents in October. The message resonated in me deeply.
Water for Elephants was a great, all day Sunday read-a-thon type of book. I still would love to have the opportunity to talk with people regarding the main character who is in an assisted living/nursing home to hear their opinion and thoughts regarding what happened throughout his lifetime. (You still need to read this one, Manda!)
Does anyone out there have a recommendation for my next read? Maybe you've read something that kept you thinking or entertained or was just plain amazing writing. Let me know!
I should mention that I'm planning on ordering some parenting books as well to read up on. There's so much to choose from with different points of view. Has anyone found a book and/or author that you've liked in this genre?
Okay, I think the conference upstairs in the crib has finally commenced after 30+ minutes. I'm off to shovel.
The Time Traveler's Wife is a favorite among my group of friends. I read about half on a lazy Sunday morning and was sad that I couldn't take it with me, as it needed to be returned to it's owner
You must read "Kite Runner" but if you've already read that, the same author's latest book "Thousand Splendid Suns" was just as wonderful! If you're looking for something a little more light-hearted, Sara P. and I love Jennifer Weiner!
I really have absolutely no advice for good books; however, I really wanted to see what my picture was going to look like. :)
Now, I look like an idiot... there isn't a picture is there! HA!
How about now???
YEAH! We have a picture!:)
You should read our book club book and come to our meeting on the 21st. I haven't started it yet so I really need to get a move on. Lex says it is really good.
I'll definitely need to read this Picoult one . . . someday. :)
I just read Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. It was good, made me cry. It's about two best friends since childhood. Many parts reminded me of us. I highly recommend it! Nothing too deep, and an easy read.
Thanks for the recommendations! (And WELCOME, Abby!!)
I have to agree with Meade that Kite Runner and Thousand Splendid Suns are great reads! I enjoyed them both.
I will have to check out Time Traveler's Wife and Firefly Lane.
Thanks for giving me some reading tips everyone!
Here are my recommendations:
The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd
The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri
The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards
Little Children - Tom Perrotta
All were excellent in their own ways. Of Jodi Picoult's books, I've only read The Tenth Circle and I liked it a lot, so I'm definitely planning on reading more of her.
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