Monday, March 31, 2008


When you think of the term backpacking many people would associate Europe or hiking through the mountains with it. My pal CJ has brought this word to a whole new level.  While visiting our house at the beginning of the month CJ told Zoey to stop "backbacking" him.  I should mention that Zoey is definitely a female dog; however, she has learned some good humping - for a lack of a better word - techniques from her cousins Nedward and the late Ernie.  So needless to say, she now thinks she is a male dog and likes to mount up on people, blankets, coats - I think you get the picture.  Anyway, there have been many laughs when visitors come - like when Molly was here this weekend - and Zoey starts "backpacking".  Of course when I tell her to stop backpacking it always gets our visitor's attention.  They inevitably ask what it means and then start to laugh when they get the answer.  Thanks, CJ, for coining a new, wonderful term for Zoey's bizarre behavior!  Backpacking will always have two meanings in our household.


LJFEIER said...

Balou is a huge humper and has been since he was a puppy. My mom told me if we just kept "shaking him off" he would eventually stop... well, Balou will be 4 years old next week and there is no end in sight. He has a particular preference for my mom and mother-in-law... is that wierd or what? Hopefully Zoey will stick mostly to inanimate objects. At least she doesn't have the embarrasing "lipstick" issue!!!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Oh the lipstick!
That's not the case for Zoey thankfully. Nedward, though, sports the lipstick quite often...