Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Tale of Two Mommies

When Mark and I first learned that we would have an OPEN adoption we were really nervous, scared and unsure whether this would be right for us.  What would that look like and wouldn't it just confuse our son/daughter?  Would that mean there were multiple people parenting? What would the birth parent(s) be like?  (You don't even want to know my original thoughts!) What if they were nothing like us and we didn't get along?  We would be stuck with them the rest of our lives...

It's amazing what only one month can do to completely erase any lingering fears that may have existed.  Anthony's birth mom, Cynthia, is truly a wonderful individual and we are so happy she is in our lives too.  She's beautiful, has a beaming smile, knows how to hold a great conversation, is trying her very best in life and LOVES the Minnesota Twins too.  (What a bonus!)  She really is a perfect fit for our family and we're excited that she'll always be in our lives.  

On Tuesday we visited together at our house and it just seemed so natural.  I honestly was happy to see her and kept giving her hugs.  (Not that any of you are surprised by that!)  It was nice to be able to talk again and show her our home and where Anthony lives.  It was also good to hear what she's been up to and how everything has been going for her since our placement day.  I'm thankful that he will always have a relationship with her and know his birth mommy. I'm also thankful that God knew what was best and had a plan for the right people to be joined together.  It's so clear that THIS is so RIGHT.

Obviously we are still new at all of this and learning what an open adoption looks like.  There will be ups and downs as there is in everything in life.  I'm so thankful that Mark will be by my side as we parent Anthony and that Cynthia will be a constant in our lives.  

Life is good....Open adoptions are a beautiful thing.

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