Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daycare Dilemma

I need help!  
Serious help!
Even though we won't need daycare until the fall we've already started to look.  I got several recommendations from fellow co-workers and friends, which was GREAT!  Mark, Anthony and I have visited two daycares in the last week. Here's the problem: THEY ARE BOTH WONDERFUL and would be a great fit for our family.  Several moms have already told me we'll just know who the right person is when we meet him/her.  REALLY?!?!  Right now I wish I could combine the two providers and homes.  I have no clue how we'll ever decide...
Any thoughts?  
How did you decide? 
I need words of advice from those who have been there and done that. 


Team Tuttle said...

I really have absolutely no advice in this area - however what a wonderful dilemma to have. Two wonderful daycare ladies to choose from - that's great! At least you won't be worrying about everything when you do go back to work... yea!I love the 'getting my hair cut' pictures - does he get any cuter? I am the most blessed auntie in the world! Love you guys and hope you have a fabulous Friday - since I'm sure that you won't be hearing from me! HA!

Erin said...

I too am glad you have two wonderful providers to choose from! Thankfully you didn't have the dilemma I did, well there was no dilemma - we had one choice of the place that would open in time and accept part time. Happy choosing!

Ashley said...

It's a tough decision, isn't it? I made a lot of calls and met a few people; in the end we didn't have that many options left and ended up getting someone who is really close to home, cheap, and very nice! Plus recommended by a friend. If I were you, I'd choose the provider who has the least number of children in her care so you know Anthony will get as much individual attention as he needs. That's one reason I wish we could have been more choosy - our provider is quite busy. Best of luck!