Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome family and friends!

I thought it was time the Hansons hopped on the blogging train and used this medium as a tool to keep in contact with all of our loved ones.  There are several reasons behind all of this.
  • One -  I've been involved with the Technology Co-hort at work and have been learning about how to...BLOG on blogger.  I really should put this new technology to good use.
  • Two - The former Bergeron ladies (Bain and Lefebvre now) have blogs, which I have quickly become addicted to. Everyday I have to check out what is happening with their families and I find myself disappointed if they dare to take a day off of posting!
  • Three - and the most important reason of all - is our new love, Anthony. We have been so blessed by becoming his parents and want to share all of this love and happiness with everyone.  
  • Four - which is connected to point number three - I took a twelve week adoption leave to stay at home with Anthony and help him transition into his new life. I thought blogging would be the perfect use of time during his naps... (I'm not sure I'll have the time or energy once I go back to work and try juggling being a teacher and mommy - we'll see.)
That being said I had to come up with a good and catchy name. That turned out to be the hardest part.  Mark really wanted The Haywire Hansons, which was quickly vetoed by me, though.  Hat trick just seemed to fit for us; we love sports and with Anthony joining our family it makes three PLUS it included alliteration!  (Mark quickly pointed out that I omitted our Wonder Dog, Zoey.  I'm sure she'll understand...  Her whole world has been turned upside down since the arrival of the little man.  She can't even take her daily naps now or eat without him watching every single bite.)
So here goes my attempt in the world of blogging... I hope you understand the name, Zoey Dog!


Emily said...

Welcome to the Blog Wagon!

Yay! Another blog to add to my daily blog routine!

meade said...

What a beautiful family! Anthony is adorable...what a blessing! Can't wait to read the blog to see how things are going! I'm so happy for the both of you,

Erin said...

I'm glad you took my fabulous advice and started a blog. I'm telling you it's the easiest way to get updated pictures out to the grandmas!

mbain said...

I'm on board!!! Whoo-hoooo!!! Looking forward to the great updates and entertaining tales!


Sara said...

Congrats to you guys!! What a great family picture. We're so happy for the three of you and are excited to meet the little man!
