Sunday, March 30, 2008

They're G-R-E-A-T!

Last Wednesday Mark's co-workers had a shower for Anthony.  We had a great time being in the Securian Center for the first time, meeting all of the people he works with and having lunch together too.  I completely enjoyed the views from the office (what a different feel from the classroom!) and seeing where Mark spends his days as well as finally being able to put faces to the names of the co-workers he talks about at home.
Anthony was a bit quiet and shy that day, which isn't really like him.  However, he hasn't been timid at all when it comes to the fabulous new toy they got him.  The Cozy Coupe has been a major hit for him and he's played with it all weekend long!
Mark surprised him by putting it together Friday night so he could wake up to a new toy Saturday morning.  As you can see he definitely liked his new toy and was playing in it, but still needed to work on the waking up part! The box, which was still in the basement, was an additional bonus for Anthony!  How awesome to get a new car AND a big box to play in all on the same day!
Thank you to all of the GREAT people who took time out of their day to celebrate our new little one.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad he loves it! We all had a great time meeting the Hanson Hat Trick!

~Mara (finally - I remembered the sig the first time around!)