Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Let It Be

Yesterday after getting home from another lab appointment (they're constantly taking my blood!) I grabbed the Star Tribune, the mail and a piece of Swedish Almond Cake. (You really ought to try the recipe if you like almond flavor and sweet goodness.  It's amazingly delicious and "non fat" or at least I try to tell myself that...)

Focus, Tonja!  Back to the story...

I was approaching the second set of stairs down to the basement while reading the Have You Heard? section of the Star Tribune.  The first item of the day was the following:

Paul McCartney's divorce from Heather Mills was settled for 48.6 million.
But that's not nearly the most expensive celebrity divorce.

I was just beginning to think "Holy CRAP" when I fell down the rest of stairs and landed sprawled out at the bottom. Great.  Immediately my elbows are throbbing and I'm having a laugh, but I want to cry a bit moment.  Of course Mark has to come over and check out the commotion.  Lovely.  Zoey also came to my "rescue" from upstairs.  I quickly found out she wasn't as interested in me as she was in the half eaten Swedish Almond Cake.  (I know I linked it again.  I'm trying to stress its deliciousness to you!)  Luckily, I grabbed what was left of my little treat right before she finished sniffing and gobbled it up.  Whew!  It was a close one.

I have since recovered from the whole embarrassing episode; however, my mind is still on this crazy publicized divorce and absurd amount of money.  How can this not be an expensive divorce?  And what would I seriously do with that much money?  When we settled our contract back in January I was jumping for joy and excited about how much money I would be making now after seven years of teaching.  The average celebrity divorcee would be laughing at those pennies...

Just in case you were wondering here's some of the "costliest splits" according to the Star Tribune:
  • Michael Jordan and Juanita Jordan, December 2007, more than $150 million
  • Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey, 1995, $100 million
  • Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving, 1989, $100 million
And the list goes on and on and on...

Oh, well.  At least I've got a great recipe for some Swedish Almond Cake!  (Sorry!  I had to do it!)

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