Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

Random thoughts to wrap up this week...

School is out and summer is here!  The last week of school was definitely busy, meeting filled and emotionally draining...  I'll leave it at - I wouldn't want to get Dooced.  
Thank you to Marv and Carol for coming last Sunday and staying through Thursday.  It was great to have them here watching Anthony while Mark and I worked.  I'm sure they had lots of fun with him, but are probably enjoying the quiet life once again in GR!  

Speaking of Carol, I've been meaning to post the beautiful quilt she made for Anthony.  This fall the moms came down to Becker to go shopping for the nursery.  At the time we had no clue we would be getting an 18 month old!  We decided on this gender neutral fabric and then they were busy putting everything together.  The quilt is now hanging in his room and we LOVE IT!  Thank you again, Carol, for all of the time and love you put into making this for your grandson.  It will always be treasured.

Joni - aka Becoming Picasso - has landed in Ballyvaughan and her six week adventure in Ireland has begun.  The story of how she got there is truly amazing;  it definitely speaks to how strong she is.  I think I would have been a mess.  I guess The Amazing Race would never be for me.  I like my comfort zone and rarely like to travel out of it.  Way to go, Jo! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing about your adventures.  

Gas prices.  I probably shouldn't go there, but I'm going to anyway.  I'm still shocked it has reached $4.00 a gallon. Today we put 16 gallons into my car and it cost over $60.00. Unbelievable.  Today I heard that a barrel of gas will cost $150 by fourth of July.... I guess it will continue to get worse before it ever gets any better.

I think I'm still stuck in Sex in the City mode because I continue to think about my friendships with others.  This past week Jenn and I got together a couple of times and have had great conversations.  Without a doubt, her friendship enriches my life and she's helped greatly with everything that has been emotionally draining... 

If you haven't heard of Brent Holmes and his amazing kids music you should look into it!   Anthony is completely in love with Cow Tunes for Kids and listens to it multiple times a day. The good thing is that Mark and I really like the cd as well.  The music is fun and catchy; you'll find yourself singing and dancing too!  Holmes has several other music too - bear tunes, moose tunes, etc.  Check it out!  Thank you, Barb and John, for giving Anthony this wonderful gift he loves!

The next two weeks I'm teaching summer school and Anthony will have Lauren - a former student of mine - babysit him during the morning.  I REALLY hope he will be feeling better tomorrow for her.  Today was worse then yesterday with being sick and he always wanted to be held by mommy and daddy.   There are many diarrhea stories I could share, but I will spare you all the details.

Not that any of you care, but I saved almost fifty dollars today at Cub with all of my coupons!  (I told you this post would be random thoughts!)  Coupons have become my new addiction...

I think that's it!  Enjoy the upcoming week everyone!


Emily said...

That quilt so so cute! Love the colors and the personal touches she added with his name and "Pip Squeak".

Team Tuttle said...

Coupons are AWESOME! Just think - you can almost fill up your car with your savings!:)

LJFEIER said...

Love the quilt.. and the picture of us! I just stole it for my site. :)
I still feel bad about A being sick- I now think it wasn't something my boys ate. You are "enriched" by me and my family- with viruses, that is! So sorry!

hellokittycar said...

why isn't my blog as cute are yours, I am sad. I need to come over for a lesson. I think that will be a good reason for me to visit some afternoon. I mean, second date tomorrow and all, so perhaps he might get a pic up soon....he he he.

Hope A is feeling better and that summer school is going quickly and without any bumps! Cheers! I ate a can of french's fried onions over the course of a day today and my tummy hurts too, tell A that! I will never have those in my apartment again!

Ashley said...

Wow, $50 in savings?! I shop at Cub all the time, so fill me in on where you're finding the coupons, if you please!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

The coupons...
Of course I cut coupons out of the weekly Cub ad and typically base my buying on what's on sale for the week. (There are some exceptions- especially when they don't offer very many coupons/deals.) We also buy the Sunday paper every week and I cut coupons out of there too. I know the internet has a lot to offer when it comes to savings; however, I haven't tapped into that resource as of yet. (If anyone knows of some good coupon sites please do tell!)
I guess I'm just becoming more cautious when it comes to spending and finding ways I can save money is always a bonus! Especially given the state our economy is in right now...

Jo said...

That is a scary picture of me but it's nice to know that I made the update. I wish I could have been there for SITC. I miss you all so much.
It might make you feel better to know that gas here is 4 EUROS per liter so it works out to be closer to $10 a gallon.