Friday, June 6, 2008

Getting "Carried" Away

Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha definitely didn't disappoint!  
It's late - 11:11 to be exact - but I know I won't be able to go to bed until I put some thoughts down and out of my already filled-to-the-max mind.  
I grew up with basically two channels that worked and one or two that would come in really fuzzy.  I always believed that "snow" was just a part of viewing a television.  So it should come as no surprise that I lag behind the masses when it comes to popular television shows throughout the decades.  
HBO really was out of the question and it was a big deal to stay at a hotel that had it.  (I now laugh when I see those signs of advertisement and get filled with a bit of nostalgia too.)  Never had I watched Sex in the City until a few years ago when I ran across the syndicated version on TBS.  I have to admit that I was quickly addicted to the story line and fascinated by a life I know nothing about. I shouldn't say nothing...  Perhaps I'm not big into labels, finding the next fashion  party and I certainly don't live in New York; however, I was immediately drawn to the friendship of the four women. Watching them interact through the good, the bad and funny life situations was always a thirty minute treat. The movie has proved to be even better.
Tonight the eight of us armed with yummy homemade treats - thanks, Gina! - went to our first girls night out movie together.  This was a PERFECT movie to go to with the ladies.  (Thanks again Mark for declining my invitation!  I'm so glad!)  There were times we laughed so hard that we were crying and other times we connected with their emotions so deeply that we cried once again.  The outfits they wore were definitely outrageous and the lives they live are unimaginable to me.  But, once again, it was their friendships with each other that resonated deeply in me.  
So tonight as I think and type I reflect on my own life and the friendships I have been blessed by throughout the years. When I was younger I always wanted more friends like they were trophies to collect.  I thought that would make me happier, more popular, or well liked.  Luckily I realized in high school that substance was more important than quantity and I carried that lesson with me throughout the years.  
I have amazing friends.  Friends who are honest, diverse, and come from all different backgrounds.  Even though they are all different they share similar qualities as well.  I know I've gotten through many of life's struggles because of their support and constant "cheerleading" for Tonja.  Thank you for accepting me as I am and sharing your life with me.  
Anyone surprised that I have taken this fun, lighthearted movie and turned it into something emotional?  I guess I always just get "carried" away with the things that really matter in life and it bubbles out of me.  
11:49 - DEFINITELY time for bed...

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm off to go see it tonight with Sam, Sarah, and Abby (perfect set of girls to go see it with since we all practically grew up together). I've heard mixed reviews of the movie, so I'm glad to hear that someone enjoyed it!