Emerson Kade Hare
Born Tuesday, June 10th at 11:57am
8lbs. and 12 oz.
After summer school last Wednesday Jenn and I visited Tracy and Shaun at the hospital as well as the beautiful and cutely dressed Emerson Kade. He is so adorable and it is still amazing to think that just a day before he was inside of his mama. (For some reason that always amazes me.) It was also good to see Tracy and know that she's doing well after her c-section. She honestly looked amazing! (Check out BeadsOnOneString to see the last picture we have of Tracy five days before he arrived. She was always such a cute pregnant mama-to-be!) Congratulations, Shaun and Tracy!
I cannot wait to see you again Emerson. I already know you are going to be the cutest dressed baby in all of central Minnesota!
Wow! Tracy looks amazing! Emerson is so adorable! Who do you think he looks like? I can't wait to see him!
Did you see Joni is now riding a bike back and forth all over, what a woman. She is going to be so worldly when she comes back!
See you Thursday!
He is adorable! It seems like just yesterday when she was pregnant at your jewelry party last winter!
Love the outfit he's in!
Congrats Tracy (and Shaun)! :o)
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