Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This morning Anthony and I drove over to Monticello to get the oil changed on Mark's car and then picked up a few things at Target.  While at Target I almost had a little break down.  I started to cringe as my cart went past the aisles packed full of BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES.  (They even have it on the front of their website too!  YIKES!) Seriously, Target.  It's only July 9th.  I'm sure school teachers everywhere would appreciate delaying the inevitable until at least August.  
Why do stores have to advertise the next season so early?  It seems like Christmas stuff is out before Thanksgiving has even been celebrated.  I'm sure we'll be seeing Halloween merchandise by August. Can't we just enjoy the now instead of focusing on what's coming up?  Jeez!


LJFEIER said...

I saw it at (cringe) Wal-Mart yesterday. I'm trying to forget.. thanks for reminding me! :)
See you when we return! Maybe if I'm really lucky I'll find myself some internet access in Montana... I'm not counting on it, though.
Love you!

Emerson, Brockton and Marquette Hare said...

I love school supplies! You can't beat bottles of glue and boxes of crayons for 20 cents! Go Wal-Mart!I can't wait to stock up.

Maria said...

I, too, love to stock up, but I'm not quite ready yet! Where does the summer go?

hellokittycar said...

I too said a verbal "NO, IT ISN'T TIME YET," the other day when I was at Target, a woman near to me said "You must be a teacher..." I smiled and realized I was speaking out loud. Hey didn't get a chance to call folks today, was in Milaca seeing family from out of state. Hope you have a great weekend and I will be in touch!