Monday, July 28, 2008

A Laughter Time-Out

I have learned that having humor in the midst of something so horrible is something the Johnsons are good at. (Perhaps most of the credit should go towards Manda - she's always got something up her sleeve.)  Even though we were working hard and getting a lot done we often took time to give thanks as well as have a good laugh.  I think the laughs is what kept us sane as well as kept mom and dad going.

Manda liked to "dumpster dive" and do goofy things throughout our clean-up process.  I love the fact that she's wearing dad's old work glasses that have no lenses and have a broken frame. Pretty sexy!

My favorite moments were our "parades" from the house to the storage unit.  When Manda found her trumpet she serenaded us every time with The Star Spangled Banner as well as other pep band favorites.  The best parade moment was when dad got in on the action.  He was playing the piano while Manda was carrying a tune with her beloved trumpet.  (They would have liked me to join in with my saxophone, but I have completely lost all memory of how to play it.  Pretty sad, huh?!)

Honestly, I cannot remember a time that I had so much fun with my family.  I know that sounds horrible, but it's completely true.  It felt good to work together and accomplish what needed to get done regardless of how tired or dirty we may have been or shocked by the surreal scene surrounding us each day.  Personality it felt good to help out mom and dad when they needed it the most.  They have done so much for me - it was good to give back without any expectations. Again, what's important in life really becomes clear and humor is always a good thing.


Erin said...

The picture of your dad and Manda in the back of the truck is priceless, and I can just imagine the "tunes". I tried stopping by on Saturday morning, but couldn't find anyone. Captain greeted me eagerly (hope he's not supposed to be some sort of gaurd dog since this is only the second time I've ever seen him) and I called out into the house but no one answered...figured you all were on a storage/cleanup run. Ufda the smell...I can't even imagine all the work you guys did this past week or so.

Anonymous said...

Great pics in the midst of such a tough time! You guys have amazing spirits!! You're absolutely right - its all about the people and the time spent together. The "things" can be replaced, however its great to see that the musical instruments survived to provide some comic relief!!

Team Tuttle said...

Now Ton, that isn't even the best picture of me and those glasses... :) You are 100% right, it was a horrible experience; however, what great memories with the family! :)

Love you!

meade said...

It's so great you and your family were able have some laughs during such a trying time! I loved the truck picture as well...what a neat family!

Ashley said...

I was wondering where you had been and was starting to worry... Thank God your parents are well, and what a blessing that your family can take time out to laugh despite the hardships. You're right when you say that's what matters and that's what life is really all about.