Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Farmington Slugger

Today Anthony and I headed down to Farmington to cheer on CJ while he played tee ball.  It was great to catch up with Erin, cuddle with Nicholas and watch CJ's skills on the field.  It's amazing to me how much he's grown and changed.  He's such a cutie and so much fun to be around.  That's why I had to ask him if he would be my boyfriend while we played on the playground after his game.  Of course I was delighted when he said yes.  :)

Look at that concentration.  You know he's serious when the tongue is out and his eyes are completely on the ball.  He got a hit right away - a nice grounder up the middle - and quickly ran to first base.  Go CJ!

He had to take a quick break and visit with us before going into the outfield.  

Erin is going to hate me for posting this picture, but I thought it was too cute to pass up!  I love that he switched his hat for her sunglasses.  I think they both look fabulous!  Anthony did great for the hour that we were there.  He mostly sat in the awesome chair Erin brought for him and ate his num-nums.  (I was sort of expecting him to be chasing balls on the field...)

Getting a picture of the boys and I was harder than you might expect.  This was as good as it got.  However, I love that they are both looking off into a different direction while I'm continuing to smile, looking right into the camera.  Maybe next time we'll be able to get everyone looking.
Nicholas is quiet the cutie and has grown and changed a lot too since the last time I saw him in mid-May.  He's got bright, alert, blue eyes and such a calm manner about himself.  It was great to see him again and get some snuggling time together.

Gas: $3.87 per gallon
Round Trip: Two hours and fifty-five minutes
Spending time with your oldest friend and her cutie patooties for a bit: Priceless


Erin said...

You amaze me...somehow I just knew when I checked out the Hanson Hat Trick a tee-ball post would already be here! Thanks again for coming down, CJ wants to know if you're coming next week too. And yes, I do hate that picture, Anthony cute...me, not so much!

hellokittycar said...

You all look awesome! I can't believe how big your little people have got since the last time I saw them and was holding your little guy, where does that time go.

Thanks for the great chat today Tonja, wow, those wantons were freakin' amazing!

Emily said...

I love how you have the t-ball pics blogged before Erin.

Great pictures!

Seeing these reminded me that I should get up there to see a "game".

Maria said...

Sounds like you're enjoying your first summer with Anthony! I can't wait to meet him! Keep up the happy memories!