Monday, July 14, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

Today Mark took the day off of work so we could enjoy an extra day up north, which we definitely did.  We were leisurely driving home - no crazy, bumper to bumper traffic making its way back to the cities - when the shot gun like sound filled the car and the driver's side window was completely shattered.  Turns out a person mowing the lawn across the road in a cemetery hit a rock or some object, which flew into our window.   What are the chances of that happening?
Half of the window fell into the car while the rest was just waiting to cave in.  The object that hit us landed outside of the car.  Thankfully, no one was hurt.  Mark was covered in glass, but didn't get any stuck into his skin.  Anthony and Zoey were just fine in the back seat.  Once I realized that everyone was safe and not hurt the tears came as well as the need to throw up.  I guess it was just another reminder for me that things can change quickly in life and every moment is one to be thankful for.  Luckily, this story had a happy ending and a windy, summer ride home!

The highlight of our afternoon was that we took time out of our day that we normally wouldn't have because we would need to get home to start the laundry, mow the lawn, buy groceries for the week, clean the house, unpack the car, etc. etc, etc.  In Garrison we stopped at McDonalds - yes, I said McDonalds ... I know why families choose to eat there now - and had a picnic by Mille Lacs Lake.  Afterwards we walked down by the water just soaking in the beautiful July day and threw some rocks into the lake, which Anthony LOVED.  
I cannot help but feel thankful to have had an in-your-face reminder of what's really important in life.  A reminder like this every once in awhile is always a good thing.  (However, the Hansons really don't need another one for quite some time now.)

Perhaps The Hanson Hat Trick wanted to "copy" a glass shattering moment experienced by The Lefebvre Party of 4? Hopefully from now on our similar stories won't involve insurance companies and potential danger to our families.


Erin said...

Much more scarey than our glass shattering experience! Was Anthony shaken up?

hellokittycar said...

So glad you are home safe and sound, and that your parents are safe as well. I will be thinking about you the next few days and sending good vibes your way! Watch for flying road debris.

Maria said...

Scary! Glad everyone is safe and that you are continuing to enjoy your's hoping the second half is just as good as the first half! Take care!

Ashley said...

Glad to hear everyone is okay! Although they can be scary, I think it's good to have those life-affirming moments on occasion. It's God's way of reminding us to be grateful and not to take things for granted.

Jo said...

Tonja, Alexis filled me in on the situation with your parents as well. It sounds like you have a ton to worry about/be grateful for. i just want you to know that I am thinking of you.

Team Tuttle said...

Thanks Jo... I'll be sure to let Tonja know you wrote. She has been with my parents all week and hasn't had internet. We are very blessed that we only lost material items. Manda (Tonja's Sister)