Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Tidbits

Here's some random tidbits before the weekend begins:

I've been busy researching minivans this week.  It's become apparent with a dog and a kid as well as all of our stuff we need more room.  Being that we love to venture up north and are sick of having to take two cars to accomplish that task we really need to get rid of a car and move into the minivan world.  Honestly, I didn't think it would be that hard to find something.  Right! It truly is amazing how many choices there are out there - Caravan, Sienna, Town and Country, Freestar, Monterey, Quest, Odyssey and the list continues.  
I'm well aware that some individuals in life are very opposed to driving a minivan - it's a phobia of sorts.  If you would have asked me ten years ago if I wanted a minivan I would have adamantly said no.  Now I would gladly welcome the extra space and ability to contain Zoey in the back so she doesn't drive us all crazy with her need to chase cars within a car. 
With all of that being said, I'm wondering if the Hanson Hat Trick readers have any advice for us as we continue to research and then look at purchasing a minivan.  Any help or thoughts you could pass our way would be greatly appreciated!

Fourth of July - Thank God there is a photographer in our family who takes some fabulous photos!  I was a bit disappointed when I downloaded my own shots from last weekend's camping trip.  I didn't really get a whole lot of good ones.  Thankfully, Manda was there and did a great job capturing each special moment.  Be sure to check out her website for additional photos.  

Last thought - Just this week I've been amazed at something pretty small, but definitely a milestone for Anthony.  He now exclusively goes up and down the stairs walking - no more tummy!  It also has been fun to see how he's getting faster and faster each day.  I suppose news like this is something only a mommy could get excited about, but I thought I would still share.

Enjoy your weekend!


Jo said...

I have no advise for you on the minivan front. I do wish you had advise for me though. With my stomach virus (going on night 7, I can't help but think of you. Obviously, your situtation is more than a 7 day stint but you get it. You are a strong woman.

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Got to love the stomach issues, Jo. I only wish I could take a dose of Pepto and actually feel better... I bet you'll be like me and appreciate when the good days come around again.
Thinking of you!

Erin said...

We LOVE our van, Charlie was one of the "absolutely no minivans" club members until reality sunk in, yep two kids = the need for more space. We shopped for our van at the auto show, it was nice to be able to sit in all different types of vans in one spot. We ultimately chose our Quest based off the price/crash test results/overall look (not so boxy). Hope you too can soon be a card carrying member of the minivan drivers!

hellokittycar said...

You know I will tell you to get a Dodge, as it helps my family and my inheritance. Seriously though, there is a great deal on Caravans right now with the $2.99 gas, and the lifetime power warranty. You should make an appointment with my uncle to find out the scoop, he is an honest man and wouldn't give you any horse and pony show. He would spend time with you and answer your questions, and maybe give you a bit of deal being you are almost family. :) North Star Garage Milaca...okay shameless plug there! :) Haven't called about the math stuff yet, think I will wait until next week!