Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Lilypie doesn't lie.
Happy birthday, Bubsa Beetle!

I still can't believe that A turned three today. Somehow life is going faster now that we are parents and everyday we watch our little guy get bigger and do things he couldn't do the day before.
This morning he was very tired, but was all smiles as I sang Happy Birthday to wake him up. The first thing he asked was if he could have his cupcake and go eat at McDonald's. He was bummed and started to whine until he realize he got to go play at Nae's house today and then we would celebrate. We ended up doing just that as well as swimming at a local pool, which turned out to be a lot of fun.
Tomorrow will officially be 18 months to the day that we brought our little 18 month old home. Again, time seems to be going by so fast. Without a doubt, this is a good reminder to enjoy each and every day regardless of what may be going on. Especially since teaching another year of school, the big stress maker, is just around the corner for this momma.

Stay tuned! Birthday party photos will be posted soon.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again, little fella! Sorry I was pre-occupied on the phone last night...Lucy honestly took off up the slide and climbed all the way up..multiple times. What a monkey! I wish we lived closer and could hang out more often! We'd love to have you any time...come on up! MEA? What do you usually do that weekend?

Millers said...

Happy birthday, A! You are an amazing blessing to your mommy and daddy!