Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Girls of Summer

The "A" team comes over for a visit with A.

Sometimes living and teaching in the same town can be a bit tricky. I don't mind going for walks and seeing kids or running into them at the local Jubilee. However, there have been many times I wish they did not know my address. A recent favorite (of students mind you - not us) in the past few months has been the random door bell ringing at all hours of the day. The sad part is that I ALWAYS fall for it. The door bell ringing, unfortunately, isn't the worst thing that has ever happened. I don't think anything could ever top the "used" condom left on our front door that Mark, thankfully, found. I think that will always trump anything students could think up in my remaining years of teaching.
There has been a very nice silver lining in the midst of all of this chaos, though. This summer Anthony has completely fallen in love with "my girls". Allison and Ali (occasionally Abby too) have come over several nights to see if Anthony could go outside and play with them. (You seriously have to love kindhearted, well intentioned, and good-to-the-core middle schoolers!) Every time they end up taking him to the park and/or around the block for a walk for a good hour or so and he absolutely loves it. When they return they play in the backyard and enjoy a much deserved popsicle. Whenever I try to engage in a conversation with them or play too, Anthony tells me to go into the house so he can play with "my girls". It's pretty sassy, but cute how much he loves spending time with them.
Even though I'm feeling a bit trepidatious about starting another school year and getting thrown back into the stress, I am looking forward to meeting more students like these three girls. They are the ones who truly make teaching youngsters beyond worth it.


Team Tuttle said...

That's great that A has some friends or 'his girls' that he can spend time with and take him places! How nice for you too! :)

Ashley said...

That's something we preschool teachers don't quite experience, and one of the things I'd love about teaching older kids, but we do love the kids and enjoy getting to know their families as we try to remember that most of the kids'less desirable qualities are not something they're entirely to blame for at that age. :)