Mark and I decided that it was time to do away with the crib and turn it into a toddler bed. Anthony had started to crawl into his crib quite easily, but had trouble getting back out. While the two of us were gone over the weekend up north Mark took off the side railing while I talked up Daddy's big surprise for him when we got home. Sunday night was the trial run, which left me feeling a bit anxious and nervous. So much so that I slept upstairs in case he fell out or got scared throughout the night. All of that was needless, though. Hopefully I don't jinx this transition by saying it has gone so smoothly. The only thing that upsets him is when a beloved animal friend should fall out. (Yes, I realize his bed looks like a forest full of animals and blankets. He, for whatever reason, needs
all of them with him.) He's continuing to sleep through the night still and through nap times too. He goes to bed willingly wanting to show us how he's a big boy now and even waits for me to come get him in the morning instead of getting out by himself. (I'm not quite sure about that one and wonder how long it will actually last. It's cute, though, hearing him say, "Mommy, Daddy, Zoey" over and over again letting us or rather me know he's up and ready to go. It's not until I go into his room and give him a morning kiss that he gets out of his bed. Interesting. I definitely wasn't expecting that from our little go-getter.) It is amazing to see all of this work out so well especially when I've been thinking - okay, worrying - about it for so long. (It seems like you should be out of a crib by the time you are three if not sooner. Right?)
Along with that we've also been experience some other "big boy" habits this week. (Once again I hope I'm not jinxing anything by mention this because it feels too good to be true.) This week, on his own accord, he's been going to the bathroom on the potty chair. He's gone once everyday and it was always his decision to do so. Tonight after taking a bath he wanted to be naked so we reminded him he would need to let us know when he needed to go potty. He ended up peeing multiple times and pooping twice! (I realize this is more information than most people need to know; I'm just in such a shocked and excited mommy state right now!) I have many potty posts on this blog and I'm hoping this time it's the start of him really getting and understanding what it's all about. I'm hopeful, but also a bit cautious too.
All of this is making me feel super excited as well as a bit sad. Anthony clearly is growing up and is no longer the baby we brought home just a year and a half ago. I wonder what it will feel like when he rides his bike with no training wheels for the first time or starts kindergarten or becomes a teenager. Do you ever lose that mommy tug that makes you so proud and happy, but a bit sad and nostalgic too?
Yeah Anthony! Auntie is proud of you and your mommy... you're taking such big steps this week! :)`
Wow Tonja, what a big boy you have. I am so glad to hear the transition to the "big bed" went well. I think the little ones will always surprise us. Sounds like the potty training is going well too. Before long it will be so easy for him, and you too. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer! I only have 1 week left before I go back to work on the 24th.
Way to go, Anthony! I'm glad to hear the transition has been a smooth one! Keep us posted on how the potty training is going, etc.
I would imagine your summer is coming to a close soon but enjoy your time together!
YIPPEE! I'm so happy the transition has been good. Carter still sleeps very well in his bed and we're going on 1 1/2 months! I will pray that it continues to go well.
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