Monday, August 3, 2009

August --- Really?

I am still so shocked that July has completely flown by and that August is already here. (I really shouldn't be, but I am.) For several weeks now stores have been advertising back-to-school deals and have their shelves completely stocked. (This makes me cringe every time I enter Target or look at the Sunday ads!) I knew this was coming, it's inevitable and happens every year, but I want to hold onto summer tightly.
July was a great month even though I was an awful blogger. I definitely have some catching up to do. After the Fourth of July weekend we spent ten days up north, I finished my summer classes (What was I thinking taking 21 credits?) and then I started to finally enjoy my lazy days off with Anthony. Even though it has been a cool summer, I've enjoyed my time off and am looking forward to getting in as much fun as I can in the next two weeks before teaching summer school, workshops and then the school year starts up again.
First and foremost, though, I need to do some catching up in the world of blogging and rewind back to July...


Team Tuttle said...

It's about dang time! I've been WAITIN!

Sara said...

Love the updates Tonja! I hear ya on summer just flying by. I am thankful I am done with classes, and can enjoy my time with Isla before the new one arrives. Enjoy your last few weeks before we all start back again!