Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Yamaha Raptor

I should have known from past experience that Auntie Manda and Uncle Damon couldn't let a birthday go by without making a BANG!  
I knew something was up because Manda had called a couple of times to talk to her brother-in-law instead of me this past week.  When does that ever happen?  Also, the first two gifts from them was a helmet and a shirt that stated - Born to be Wild.  So it really wasn't a shock when Uncle Damon came around the corner with a shiny, new Yamaha Raptor.  I don't know who was happier - Anthony or his uncle.  

The test drive started in the garage and moved to the backyard shortly after.  With a little help from his uncle Anthony quickly picked up on how to drive.

Uncle Damon showing him how to run his new, cool machine.

CJ was extremely excited about the four-wheeler as soon as he saw it.  He's a pro and drives his convertible around his house all of the time.  His immediate, first question was if he could take it for a spin.  I told him that he could, but he needed to be patient and let Anthony drive it around first.  I'm sure that was killing this four year old.  FINALLY he was able to hop on back.  YIPPEE!

IT'S ABOUT TIME!  CJ eventually got to take his spin around and around and around the yard until the battery finally went dead.
Thanks auntie and uncle for getting him a gift he loves as well as his friends!  This seems much safer than the originally planned snowmobile.  We spent the afternoon outside enjoying the beautiful weather and practicing steering.  I'm sure he'll have it down in no time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great toy! Lucky duck. Grandpa Taylor will probably be getting Jackson something similar before too long.