Saturday, August 30, 2008

Plan B?

Plan A for me is to work as a 7th grade English teacher.  In the past seven years there have been many highs and lows, but overall I have loved my job and career choice.  
However, lately I have been thinking about other options or my Plan B.  What else could I do? For some reason being a secretary sounds very appealing.  I think I could do a splendid job of answering phones, dealing with customers and keeping the office organized and running smoothly.
What would it be like to be a professional dog walker or the Captain Morgan who goes around visiting bars and promoting the beverage?  How about a train conductor, movie reviewer or personal shopper?  
Have you ever thought of your Plan B?  
Please share!  


Erin said...

First and foremost Mr. Petrich would be mortified at your secretary comment! And to answer your questions, plan geek - although I'm probably already a computer geek, but by profession would be plan B

Emily said...

I've thought about this question before and I honestly don't know what my plan b would even be. As soon as I knew that sitting on the computer making things look pretty was an actual job. That people actually got paid for doing it. And such a career was called being a graphic designer, I knew thats what I wanted to do with my life.

I honestly don't know what I would even want to do otherwise. Any ideas?

Ashley said...

I have been thinking a lot lately about my plan B. Teaching in a elementary school classroom is just not an option for me up here at the moment, and the job I'm in now is definitely not where I want to be forever. I have also considered secretarial work as I am anal and love being organized. And I enjoy writing and movies so I think it'd be really fun to be a movie reviewer as well. It seems that you and I have had some eerily similar thoughts lately...

Jo said...

I have also very seriously considered being a secretary and they have the same benefits as we do in our school. I have also looked at several options because being a famous artist seems to be a slow process.
What I am really hoping for is a benefactor. That could really pick up my life a bit.

Team Tuttle said...

I'm living "Plan B"... I've always wanted to 'help people' but could never be more specific than that. I absolutely LOVED working at the YMCA but I knew that some day when Damon and I were ready to have kids - it wasn't practical to be working 50-60+ hours a week with a family. I wanted to start learning how to put my family first before I added kids to the mix. I work as an Office Manager at a Garden Center and LOVE IT! I also get to play around with my real passion - capturing lifes moments. Life is too short... if "Plan B" sounds more appealing - I guarentee, it will reap HUGE benefits for you and your families. :)