Monday, August 18, 2008

Demolition Derby

It wouldn't be fair time without going to the Demolition Derbies, which was exactly what we did!  Growing up we would always spend time at the Grand Rapids Speedway watching the derbies as well as the races.  (My sister would be screaming and waving her beloved checkered flag like crazy.  "GO, DON SMITH!  I LOVE YOU!")
Anyway, we thought we would take the little guy to his first smash-em-up, waiting for the last car running derby.  The result?  He loved it!  Unfortunately, he only took a 45 minute nap earlier that day so he didn't last as long as we hoped.  

Anthony was excited to see his second cousin Carly waiting for him in the stands.  He really liked playing with her; however, he had some problems sharing his mama, papa and grandma with the cutie.  

As the first heat was lining up and being announced he was pretty serious and not quite sure what was going to happen with all of those cars.

After the countdown and the action started he really started to have a good time.  He loved watching the cars smash and hearing the engine noises.  He kept clapping and laughing throughout all of it and wanting more.  Well that is until he was done.  Then he was kicking, squirming and giving us every possible clue that he wanted to go home and head to bed.

Next year Uncle Damon is hoping he can have his "Big Willie" car in the derby too.  We are looking forward to helping decorate the car and then LOUDLY cheering him on.  :)


Unknown said...

I say this all the time, but Anthony is SO adorable! He has the most expressive face I've ever seen on a little boy, I think. Sheer joy...

Team Tuttle said...

The picture of Carly and Anthony is priceless - it looks as though she is cracking a joke at his expense! As for the demo next year - won't that be great fun if Damon decides to join the fun?! :)
Glad to see your posting/pictures!
love ya!