Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Itasca County Fair

The main reason for heading up north was giving Anthony the chance to experience his first fair in Grand Rapids with our families.  I've decided that the fair experience is much better now that we are parents.  (Even better than being a teenager and purposely going there to check out the guys.  Seriously.  Did we have a one track mind, Erin?)  It's fun walking through the barns watching A get so excited over the animals and seeing him be so serious as he "drives" the rides.  

Got to a love an animal that can pull off a bonnet like this one!

BOO!  Cows are still a favorite with Anthony for whatever reason.  He loves saying boo, making boo noises and, the very latest, saying the boo jumped over the moon.  He even knows that C stands for boo.  (I'm not exactly sure why he doesn't just say cow...)

More rides!  I'm sure he's going to wonder why we're not going to a fair this week so he can go on "more".  That was his famous words as he got off every ride - more, more, more, more, more...  I'm glad, though, that he enjoyed the fair experience and had a good time.

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