Monday, September 20, 2010

Spaceship Talk

Today we were strapped in and making our flight over to Renae's house. In between banana bites my co-pilot, A, starts talking from the backseat.

A: Momma, I'm so glad I get to go to school again today.
M: That's good, bud. What do you like best about school? The bus ride with Ken or going to Amy's classroom everyday?
A: Everything, momma. I like everything about going to school.

This was a smile inducing comment. There may be many challenging areas in A's life right now, but at least the battle of going to school is not one of them. For this I am thankful and hopeful. What a great way to start off our morning!


Jo said...


Team Tuttle said...

That's such music to our ears! I LOVE that he LOVES school... It's a battle for a different day! :) WHOO-HOO! :)