This weekend Anthony and I took a little road trip while Mark and Zoey stayed behind to accomplish some pre-winter preparations around the house.
Friday night we drove up to Grand Rapids after work. The drive was absolutely beautiful with all of the fall colors until it got dark and started raining. That night A stayed with G and G Hanson while I had some sister time with Manda. We had a great time chatting, having a couple drinks and appetizers at Applebee's and staying up late -- 1:30! I was really thankful we were able to spend some uninterrupted time together.
On Saturday I drove over to Crookston to visit Molly and her family while Anthony stayed with his grandparents. (My parents picked him up after his nap and he spent the night with them.) I was super excited to meet Lucy for the first time and get some time to connect with Mol once again. Lucy is such a cutie; I enjoyed snuggling with her. Ella is getting so big and was so much fun to play with. That night Molly and I ventured over to Grand Forks to eat at The Toasted Frog.

On Sunday I met my parents in Bemidji and got to see Anthony again. I didn't realize just how much I would miss him. It felt so good to see him again! It was also nice to know that he had such a great time with his grandparents too.
Overall, we all had a great weekend. Mark got lots of little things done around the house and outside in the yard; Anthony had fun visiting with his grandparents; and I had such a good, much needed visit with Manda and Mol.
The only bummer was that I forgot my camera at home. Unfortunately, I have no new photos of Lucy and Ella or the beautiful leaves of fall. I'll definitely remember it this weekend.
How nice to have a chance to enjoy some grown-up time again! We did the same over the weekend for a few hours while we went to wedding reception - Jackson stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Wojo. We missed him, but it was so nice to hang out with friends and have a good time without worrying about those parenting details! I'm glad you had fun. :)
Tonja! I had a great visit with you and loved hanging out and chatting! Did you watch the debate tonight? I swear; my shoulders got tense just watching!!! ;)
Talk soon!
I didn't know!
Thanks for making me laugh out loud.
Truly that was the best part of the whole weekend - talking with you and laughing.
You're wonderful - I love you.
The time on this is absolutely wrong and I'm wondering what the heck you are doing still up! You need to go to's late.
I think you may be the only person on the planet that didn't know... j/k
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