Four years ago today I woke up to sleet coming down and one of the coldest Saturdays yet that fall. However, none of that mattered because we were finally getting married after years of dating and a long engagement. When I think back on our wedding day it makes me smile. I love the fact that we got married at Clara - a small, rural church with tons of character, that a small gathering of family and friends were there supporting us and that I had the most amazing girlfriends/sisters standing beside me throughout the ceremony. Our vows are something I will never forget or take lightly. "In sickness and in health" is the line that always amazes me. Our love was definitely tested with everything I went through before we were married and it will continue to be tested the rest of our lives together. I'm just so thankful I have a partner who is willing to ride out every storm by my side.

Love you, Mark!
I cannot wait to celebrate with you this weekend.
I didn't realize it was your anniversary today. Congratulations!
I love Antony's new cut too. Very cute!
Thanks for having us over. It was what I needed :)
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful time going back to where it all began!
Love, Molly
Congrats-It's been great geeting to know you guys!
Happy Anniversary Tonja and Mark!! It's always great celebrating another year! I do remember your wedding and it was just perfect at the church in Clara. I love Anthony's new cut too. Isla's hair is a bit wild these days too and will need a trim soon. Have a great weekend!!
Happy anniversary!!! And the honeymoon has never ended, right?? :)
Congratulations and have a wonderful weekend together. You have a lot from the last year that is worth celebrating!! :)
Happy anniversary! What a sweet post. Beautiful wedding picture too! You have hair that I'd kill for, Ton. :) I hope you & your husband have a fun weekend celebrating.
Congrats, Hansons! Enjoy your celebration! There are definitely many things to celebrate. :)
I love Anthony's hair! He looks like such a little man! How adorable.
I envy you for your ability to be a mommy, work full-time, and post on your blog three times in one week! If my readers knew about this they'd be extremely jealous. You have given me something to aspire to here at The Hanson Hat Trick, among other things. :)
Love you!
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