Monday, July 26, 2010

Just Call Me Reba

Anthony is constantly saying and doing things that amaze us. Just yesterday he was counting backwards --- 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...BLASTOFF! Last night he took his longest bike ride yet to the fish park and did a great job! He's also in a stage where he's exploring language and trying to say everything he's thinking. Sometimes he goofs it up and makes it sound all cute to his momma's ears! For instance, he likes to go "bare walking" outside --- barefoot. He also needs help when something is "outside, inside" --- inside out.
This morning we didn't make it for our typical walk and he had changed three times before 10:00 o'clock, but it was a great start to our day! After watching Dora the Explorer TWICE as well as having TWO breakfasts he was ready to go. A new activity I bought him at the beginning of the summer was Discovery's Playful Patterns Design Activity.
Anthony loves creating the designs and can sit through multiple cards putting everything together. What amazed me this morning is just how much he's learned through all of our times of playing. Shapes, colors, patterns, and problem solving. Not all of the cards are super easy and some require you to think about what shapes would create a certain object. I would start to help him, but he constantly would cut me off telling me what we needed and start looking for that shape.
Another activity I bought was this Beads and Pattern Card Set.
Anthony does well with fine motor; however, struggled with following a pattern at first. Now he whips through the pattern and asks for more to put on his "snake" string. Once again it was great to see how much he's grown and learned as well as to be confirmed that preschool will be a good step for him in the fall.
After our indoor activities we went outside for finger painting and then making numbers and letters in shaving cream. It was a mess, for both of us, but a lot of fun.
As I put A down for a nap today I felt like a country song in the making. As he was snuggled in his bed, holding onto his brown blankie and already sleeping I was hit with the knowledge that all of this will pass so quickly. Too quickly! He has already grown so much since coming home and is learning something new everyday! There will come a day when playing with mom won't be as fun as going out with friends or his Nintendo DSi or numerous other things. I will miss these days, challenges and all!, and look back filled with love and happiness. As I kissed him one last time and watched his sweet face it was another reminder of how lucky we are to have been given such a beautiful little boy and to always seize each and every day with our Bubsa Beetle.


Jo said...

Reading about finger painting gave me a little flash back to last summer. I giggle when I think about the time I let Anthony finger paint and really get into it (paint everywhere)without a shirt on and that is the moment you walked in the door, just in time to clean up the mess we made. he he

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I LOVE THAT MEMORY, JO! Anthony was having such a great time and really getting into splattering paint everywhere. (Maybe that's why I moved it to the table on the deck this time around!) :)