My Grandma J would always declare, "What a pleasant surprise!" when I would stop at her house. It didn't matter whether the visit was known in advance or not she would always be delighted and "surprised".
There were no plans made for my birthday. We were on vacation and just going to enjoy the day. That day turned out to be the best day I have had in a long time. It truly was a pleasant surprise.
We simply enjoyed each other.
No work.
No obligations.
No expectations.
No rushing.
No worrying.
No need to even know the time.
We took a drive and found Lake
Minnewaska. We decided to hop out to walk in the lake and explore. Mark skipped rocks while Anthony kept declaring he had found a favorite rock before moving on and finding another favorite.
After our explorations of the water we walked to play at a nearby park. The key word here is that we all
played. The three of us were climbing, sliding, laughing and enjoying the opportunity to be there at that moment.
Then we found a surprise, a gem - an amazing beach with a yellow water slide begging to be used. The water was so clear and shallow while the sand was soft and warm to the touch.
Get the sunscreen!
Blow up the
Let the hours pass by and the fun begin.
It was way past lunch time before we became hungry and pulled into A&W. Much to our surprise it was a decked out 50's style restaurant, which is right up my alley. The jukebox played free oldies while we sipped our frosty mugs of root beer and watched A do some dance-eating in his seat.
All of this was wonderful in and of itself, but it didn't even come close to being the best part! The highlight for me was a three-year-old I love more than ice cream, warm July days and having a hubby on a week-long vacation.
Throughout the entire sun-filled day we got Anthony.
What I mean to say is that we got OUR Anthony.
There was only love, genuine smiles & giggles and a day filled full of fun.
We didn't catch one glimpse of the boy who hurts.
It was a whole day of happiness.
A beautiful glimpse into what our future could look like after years of love and the patience I pray for everyday.
As the sun set I felt exceptionally blessed to be given such a day. I love my husband and little
Bubsa Beetle. I love my life. I'm thankful that God knew I didn't need something materialistic or over the top to celebrate another birthday, but rather a promise of days to come. It's those days that fill me with hope and give me strength to get through the inevitable days of insurmountable challenges.