Friday, April 8, 2011

So Gross!

Jenn and I showed up at work today unintentionally looking very twin-like with a few exceptions. We should have talk to each other the night before to get the shoes and hair just right and clearly there was nothing I could do to match the every growing LeRoy bump.
Right before the last block of the day we were standing together chatting and became surrounded by seventh graders.  Eventually someone in the crowd pointed out our matching outfits and asked if we had planned it.  Of course we joked around saying that we had and that we were BFF teacher friends.  One girl in the crowd asked all aghast, "You two are like friends outside of school in real life?"
When we explained that yes we were we got the best, middle school response EVER.
"That's gross."
Here's to having a "gross" out of work, real life relationship, Wonder Jenn, and awesome matching jail bird outfits today!

1 comment:

Team Tuttle said...

Do you guys actually shop for groceries and go to the movies too?! You to are Gross and strange! ha ha ha! :)