Saturday, April 16, 2011

Babysitting A & A & A

This week we have had the pleasure of babysitting three special girls in our lives.  On Monday Adele came home with us from daycare, on Friday night Amalia was dropped off while her parents went on a much needed date night and then this morning Adele and Andersyn came by while their momma ran a race (in the snow!).  All three days were busy in the Hanson household and so much fun!  (Mark and I keep wondering and asking ourselves if we really could expand our family.  Adding another child seems like so much work...  The verdict is still out on that one!) 
A friend said that after this week I should think about taking a hiatus from babysitting and helping out. 
I wish that there were more opportunities to spend time with the kiddos we love and don't always get the opportunity to see very often.  
Chubby Chubberton aka Asher
CJ and Nicky
Ella Bella and Lucy 
Clara and Sammy Pants
We certainly are blessed to have so many beautiful and wonderful children (and godchildren) in our lives.  Here's to more opportunities to play, snuggle and love up the little ones!

 Eighteen month old Adele Rufaro

Six month old Amalia Mae

Three month old Andersyn Kundai


ClubChanga5 said...

You guys are the best!! Thank you for letting our girls be part of your life. And thank you for being so giving of your time to let them spend time with you. We truly appreciate it and thank you. I love the Adele and Anthony tongues out photo!!!!

Team Tuttle said...

Gonna have to agree with Gretchen the 'tongues out' picture was the one that caught my eye - I love it!