...and for free close-to-the-court tickets
...and for Mark's ability to make good picks and win free money in the office football pool
...and for an amazing babysitter who A loves
...and for a night of talking, holding hands and just being out and about
I love date night and am determined to make them happen with greater frequency in 2011.
Yes, he thinks I'm crazy.
But who can resist the giant photos of the players?
Clearly not this girl!
The Wolves ended up losing to the Nuggets after being ahead for the majority of the game. Honestly, I really could care less who won or loss; it was more about being out and having fun. Therefore it was a GREAT night.
I'm so glad you guys had a good night! So, the guy with the hoop - did you get to throw balls at his head? I mean, who wouldn't want to take him up on that offer?? It's like the sign that said 'Chip' this last summer... awesome!
You would have loved him! (I honestly could hear your laughter!) I'm sure he would have picked you out of the crowd so you could have whipped the ball at his head...um...I mean, hoop. :)
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