Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beavers Reunite

Eleven years ago I made the best switch in my college career. I packed up my belongings and moved into Century Apartments with my new roommates, Molly and Rachel. My last year and a half at BSU were filled with laughter, fun and plenty of "wild and crazy" moments. I already knew how to study, get good grades and work hard. These two wonderful women taught me how to have fun, lighten up and really just enjoy life each and every day. I love them dearly and am thankful they are still an important part of my life even though life has us going in different directions and proximity keeps us from visiting more often.
Last weekend we met up in Grand Rapids to give our kids an opportunity to play (and enjoy the local fair) and spend time together as adults. As always, it was a relaxing, fun and laughter-filled time together. (The only scary part is when Hammy the Hamster escaped with some help from a little one and I had to endure a night of worry. Hamsters totally freak me out. I know it's a bit crazy to be scared of a little animal, but I have a serious phobia of hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, ferrets, birds or any other pet that isn't a dog or cat. Luckily, I survived the night and Hammy was found and put back in his cage the next day. Whew!) We enjoyed many games of cribbage, listening to the hubbies sing karaoke, laughing uncontrollably at our awesome prank on Jeremy and I even survived a run with the ladies Saturday morning! Hopefully we'll be able to do it all again soon.
The former roomies and our cutie patooties.
Going to the fair with friends is definitely more fun for A!
There is no substitute for amazing friends.


LJFEIER said...

Wow! A picture of the three of you. Beautiful!

Team Tuttle said...

I'm so glad you guys had a great time - it's fun to see all the kids in the boat! :)