Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mama, Why?

Anthony is eternally filled full of questions. Everything about his surrounding is new and fascinating requiring a barrage of questions throughout every day. He definitely reminds me of the neighborhood boy on Home Alone who asks the van driver just about every question as the McCallisters are running around frantically trying to get ready and make it to the airport on time.
Here's a sample of what was asked just today:

Why does the van need gas to run?
Could I drink gas?
Could I put gas into my body instead of blood?
Is this a fast road?
Can you drive as fast as Lightning McQueen?
What would happen if we got into an accident?
Why do I have to wear my buckles?
Why do I have to take a nap?
Why can't I eat at McDonalds?
Why do you have to wear clothes?
Why can't I just be naked?
Why do bees make honey?
Don't they get mad when we eat it?
Why does daddy have to work?
Why can't I have more chips?
What are vitamins?
What would happen if Zoey was lost?
Why does Natalie (swim instructor) have different swimsuits?
Why do I have to sit down to eat?

If you dare ever to say I don't know he'll be beyond upset and give the "YES YOU DO!" response. He needs to know the answer and will probably have another question formulated by the time you give your response.

The best questions today, though, came while we were rocking and getting ready for bed. In the midst of praying the questions started and kept coming.

Mama, why do we pray to God every night?
Where does he live?
Why does he live in heaven?
Where is heaven?
Why can't I see it?
How does he hear our prayers?
Why is he invisible?
Does he know I want to see him?
How does God live in our hearts?
I have blood in my heart.
I bet he doesn't like getting blood all over him.

These are the moments I want to treasure and appreciate while they are happening (even if the questions sometimes get a bit overwhelming) and always remember as he continues to grow and change. I honestly hope the questions and conversations never stop.


LJFEIER said...

This is too funny... I had a similar barrage of questions/statements last night and thought about blogging it. They are do darn inquisitive and just total sponges. Maybe they've been rubbing off on one another lately? :)

Team Tuttle said...

I love the God questions... I bet he doesn't like to get blood all over him... love it! :)