Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend Visitors

Anthony enjoyed LOTS of reading time with grandma and papa.
Mom brought down three new Sesame Street books that he loved.
(Thanks for reading them over and over and over, mom!)

One had monsters in it, which is right up his alley!

Mom and dad came down for the weekend, which was great being they hadn't made a trip like that since September. (Completely understandable given the circumstances they've been under the past eight months...)
Anyway, it was great to have them here for a visit, eat good food and give Anthony some grandparent time. (Mark and I were even able to go out Saturday night to see a great movie, Taken, and eat some yummy food at Applebee's.)
They stayed through Monday and Anthony had a busy day baking cookies, having papa read him lots of books on the couch, making a kite and ducky during craft time and playing constantly. He had a great time and is definitely looking forward to the next visit.

Anthony loved spending time with papa and helping him "fix" things around the house.
It was pretty funny when he checked out papa's left hand and realized two fingers were missing. He kept staring, running away and then coming back for another look.
(Don't worry, Bubsa Bo, it took me a long time to figure it all out too and not be completely freaked out!)

1 comment:

Team Tuttle said...

HA! I love the picture of him staring at Dad's hand! That is classic! :) I'm so glad the 'rents got to come down and spend some time with you guys - it's always fun having company.

Love you!