Surprisingly, he told me he wanted to go potty like Elmo, which left me shocked. (Again there has been NO interest and I had completely stopped trying.) Within a few minutes he peed and POOPED on the potty chair!! He was really worried about it and kept saying "uh oh" until he saw my reaction. Of course I was singing and dancing and giving high fives until he started getting excited and doing the same. He picked out monster (a new favorite) stickers - one for himself and one for the potty poster (which hasn't had a sticker added to it since last spring) - and then we had to jump and dance some more.
I'm trying to be realistic --- this very well could be just a one time shot and maybe he won't be interested in it again for awhile. Any thoughts on how to proceed? Should I encourage him to use the potty again or should I continue to let this be his idea? I don't want to push too hard, but if he's ready I want to help him out and be supportive. (One can be supportive with a two year old going potty, right? Sounds a bit goofy, though...)
In any case, this momma is so excited!
Way to go, Bubsa Boo!
Now tonight he wanted nothing to do with the potty chair. That's completely normal, right???
Way to kick off the new year A! There will be lots of ups and downs with the whole potty-training thing, but you are on your way to being diaper-free!
Everyone told me it shouldn't be hard, and we just let Ry be interested as he felt like it for a few months and then he just "got it." I think (especially knowing A's personality) don't push it. :) I know with Cam there will be no pushing it- it will have to be his idea!!
Hooray for small victories! Hopefully it'll keep holding his interest and diapers will soon be a thing of his past.
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