Anthony meeting Jami for the first time.

More presents! Thank you for the thoughtful gifts!
This past weekend we headed up north for a much anticipated visited from Auntie Jami! Mark's sister lives in Lake Tahoe and, unfortunately, we don't always get to see her as much as we would like. Anthony has been practicing saying Auntie Jami for over a month now and was all set to really put on a show for her. That he definitely did! Whether it was saying her name repeatedly, screaming at supper, staring at her or going upstairs to see where she was at he was all about getting to know and spend time with this new auntie. Thank you for coming home, Jami!

Hanson family shot! As you can see Anthony really wasn't into getting his picture taken that morning. This, unfortunately, was the best out of the bunch.

He was, however, fascinated by her bracelet and needed to check it out.
I'm so glad you guys were able to spend some time together! Its great that A got to meet his Auntie Jamie!
Love you!
So...did you make it to the Dutch Room?
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