Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fishing on Sylvan

This past weekend Anthony and I headed up north to help out on my parent's house while Mark stayed home and, unfortunately, got sick. Saturday and Sunday we were busy staining and varnishing while A spent some quality time with Grandma and Papa Hanson. (Thank you again for helping out!) Every evening we had supper together as a family, which is pretty rare these days, but a lot of fun too! Especially when I start thinking about what could have happened last July... Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the progress that has been made on mom and dad's house. The great news is they are close to being done and moving back in. Maybe the next photos will be of a house warming party?!
Monday morning before heading back home Auntie Manda and Uncle Damon took us ice fishing out on Sylvan Bay. It was a lot of fun and something I haven't done in a long time. Anthony did enjoy it - the holes with water, "shark bait" the minnow, the Rhino, Auntie scorching her hair, and needing to know where Uncle Damon was at all times. It really wasn't a surprise that he didn't last too long before starting to cry and wanting to get off of the ice. We stayed out for a couple of hours, but didn't catch a thing. (He probably would have lasted longer if fish would have been coming through those fun holes that were too irresistible to NOT play in!) I think I had a little nibble, but didn't do the right thing to "hook" it. Maybe next time we'll have better luck. Overall, it was a good weekend up north and ice fishing was a great way to top it off!

Auntie and A hoping to get lucky!
Just hanging out in the fish house.


Team Tuttle said...

That was a fun trip - maybe we will catch fish next time! Damon and I are not the best at catching a single thing but we have a great time! We figure if it was easy - everyone would be doing it. :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for more new experiences for A. Bummer you didn't catch any fish, but A will really think it's something when he sees a fish come up out of the hole!

meade said...

Cute pictures! Anthony looks great in his Carhartt jacket and
U of M stocking hat...looks like you had a really fun day!