Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ashee's Taste Test

Hhhmmmm....Antee wanted Auntie Tonna to buy him something called a lemon when she went grocery shopping.  I wonder what a lemon would taste like?
 YOWZERS!  This lemon thing-a-ma-jigger has some zing to it!
 Seriously, mom?!  Why would my cousin want something that tastes like this?!
 Well if Antee wants it maybe I should too?!  I'll just take another bite just to make sure I know exactly what it tastes like.
Holly hairballs!
This is so bad...
 it's almost good and a bit irresistible.
 Never mind.  
It's bad! 
 Okay, just one more try.
The pull of the lemon is sucking me in.
Hey!  That wasn't so bad! 
I think I kind of like it in a weird sour, but yummy/yucky sort of way.
Great idea, Antee!
Let's have more lemons the next time we get together.


LJFEIER said...

Oh, my... what a total CUTIE! :)

ClubChanga5 said...

Love that he was really willing to try and try and try again! too cute!

Ashley said...

Too funny, and so cute! Makes me want to try it at home!