Monday, February 16, 2009

The first of many....

Oh how I love Cool Whip just like mommy, Papa Willie and Auntie Manda. It's just so delicious...

On Sunday, after spending time at the Children's Museum, we went out to eat in Maple Grove before heading home. Before sitting down I brought Anthony to the bathroom to change his diaper.
Sounds simple enough, right?

When we get in there the handicap stall with the changing table was being used so we waited our turn. Anthony was busy talking and trying to investigate so many potty chairs in one room. Meanwhile the lady starts to pee.

Anthony: Mom, that lady's pooping.

Me: No, she's going pee. (Then I go into this big "life lesson" that everyone uses the potty chair when they get older just like he will, hopefully, soon. Blah, blah, blah.)

Anthony: Mom, that lady's pooping.

Me: Geez. Here we go again! Once again I explain that she's PEEING, not POOPING.

Oops! At that point the lady who was peeing toots. Oh, GREAT!

Anthony: (NICE AND LOUD!) See mom, she's pooping.

The best part is that we had to wait until the "pooping lady" was done to go into that stall to change his diaper. I was doing my absolute best to not laugh and make direct contact with the lady.
Oh the embarrassment.

Basically, I should just buckle my mommy seat belt and expect more of this in the future, right?


Team Tuttle said...

I LOVE that story! Nothing like a kid telling it like it is! :)

LJFEIER said...

Oh, my, that is hilarious. I'm laughing out loud. I think you are absolutely right- be prepared for no social filter for a long time to come. :)

meade said...

What a great story...way too funny! I'm sure it will be the first of many!