Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today has been great.
Really great.
It's been a day full of reflection and learning;
a day of togetherness.
Multiple times I've looked at my life partner
and been filled with an enormous gratitude
that I get to journey beside him.
Coming together all those years ago wasn't coincidental.
It was filled with a purpose and promise and hope.
It's what He had planned collectively for us.
we do make a great team.
we love a hurt-filled little boy
whose experienced unspeakable trauma.
as a FAMILY we will get through this.
Today I feel like we're on the right path.
Today I feel validated.
I've learned that I need to extend some much needed
to myself.
I don't have to be perfect.
I don't have to know all of the answers.
It's okay if I completely mess up an entire situation.
I'm not ruining him.
A is getting better everyday because of the collective we.
It is through this we --- our family ---
that attachment is being made.
He's rewiring how to
and be a part of the we that we're offering him everyday.

My desire is to focus on this - the positive -
and to refrain from all of the factors I cannot control ---
the worries, the fears, and negativity.
It was suggested today that I
scenic overlook
of our lives right now.
I need to do that.
I want to do that.
To see and be reminded of all of the good would
be another validation of the work that has and is being done.
Everyday is an adventure
of healing and celebrating our togetherness as a family.
The all important we for Anthony.


LJFEIER said...

Oh, I couldn't agree more! Obviously the conference was worth the time, planning, babysitter, etc. This post could be one of those gems I've been finding on other adoption blogs and sending to you...
I'm so proud of you guys.

Team Tuttle said...

I'm so glad to hear that the conference was refreshing and was able to give you new perspective - always worth the time and energy!

ClubChanga5 said...

What a great read before I go to bed tonight. The power of WE and clearly you and Mark are the perfect example of that. This will definitely be a post you can go back and read when your feeling the need.

Ashley said...

You deserve more moments like this! Good for you!

Emerson, Brockton and Marquette Hare said...

Great reflection Tonja. You need to publish a "professional" adoption-help blog. No one else writes like you...

smithfamilytree said...

You are blessed with the gift of written amazing and really puts things into perspective. I am so blessed to know you and to call you my friend!