Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Unbreaking a Heart

I realize that our therapists, the authors of various books and blog tidbits I have been reading are right. Mark and I really are Anthony's best therapists; his best chance for getting over his hurt and creating a new belief system regarding his life.
His behavior was disastrous from the moment I picked him up from daycare. He had an awful day full of being mean to others and several time-outs. When I got there he hit a kid a couple of times and I had to carry him to the van kicking, hitting and screaming once again. When we got home we rocked and had some milk. He was still full of anger and was very rigid; he refused to cuddle, wiped off all kisses and was still hitting. Finally he calmed down and became quiet. He then said the words that I know I will never forget.
He turned and looked at me in such an innocent, sad way saying,
"Mama, you said you didn't want me."

How is this possible?
Why would he ever even think or say this?
What have I done or said to make him believe I wouldn't want him?
Doesn't he know how much I love him; how much I think of him and pray for him everyday; how I only want the very best for him throughout his entire life?
Am I giving enough?
Am I doing the right thing therapy-wise to help him?
Can he feel my love?

Of course the tears came immediately for me as well as kisses and so many reassurances. For the first time since coming home he finally relaxed. His body melted into mine and he let me hold him tight and give him endless kisses, which I did gladly.
The questions, doubts and worries haven't stopped since then. I hope we can make it through these next nine weeks so summer can get here. I want days upon days with my son right now. I want to go for walks, swing at the park, play with play-doh and do all of the others things that mommies and sons do together. While we read books, go to swimming lessons and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together I pray that he will continue to tear down his mountain of hurt and let all of my mommy love come in and touch his bruised heart.
Most importantly, I never want him to think or believe ever again that I didn't/don't want him. Waiting and wanting our beautiful son is all I (we) did for years. There's nothing I could want more than him.


LJFEIER said...

You continue to amaze me! I'm so glad you're choosing to share a glimpse into your real life- joys as well as challenges.

Sara said...

You guys truly are the best for Anthony!! Keep it up, you are doing so much for him. You may not see the results right now, but it will come. And hopefully the next 9 weeks will go quickly too. I think we're all looking forward to summer!!

Unknown said...

I know it is difficult to see it as a 'break through' but what a huge step for A to finally have realized where all his anger is and for you to be able to now reassure him that you in fact do love him and have always wanted him. ... I'm praying for his little heart to open up to a mommy that loves him SOOOO Much!